Friday, April 3, 2009

Twitter Taking Over The G-20?

G twining their sweetie. At halftime of NBA games NBA's -- don't and that -- even weeding in the presidential in the chamber. During the presidential address on talking about Twitter with us today we -- Todd Davis he's one of the top shareholders. -- Twitter these new phenomenal the hottest social networking site around Todd give us give -- say -- a sense of how. -- growing from your perspective."

" Both growing very fast I can't give you exact numbers but. Let's just say it is it's taking off. Very quickly put has been around for about three years but in the last year. Even the last a few months it's really taken --"

" I -- it's not I've been talking about what are quite a bit I actually use Twitter just some of the shows they keep my my screen opened its open right now. I find it a very very valuable -- knowledge from social networking I want to tell people what I'm doing but I put out things like I have Todd -- Chris -- just that we did that right now. To the Twitter community. Is this -- this -- not it's so -- a flash in the pan or is this something to revolutionize the way we we kind of interact with each other."

" Well I hope it's the latter. I don't think it's a flash in the pan and I I think that it's it's a new communications standard for people it's a new way to social network it's very efficient. You know people that don't have a lot of time to coordinate their hearts out and blogs. Can send out a short message and reach thousands hundreds. Potentially millions of people without message."

" odd couple -- put aside a second go that you're on they want to know happy hour live to -- tweaking it's so in other words I put it out there are now. The people who already have put out there to their. To their followers it really -- viral that -- here's my question -- a good friend of -- once that Twitter headquarters here in New York. He went any thought that the only forty. Employees running this whole ship is bad enough and what are you going to do to make sure. That -- grows and is able to grow."

" Now it's not enough we're -- we're going to be increasing the number of people in the company would just raise a bunch of money that money is for hiring people to. The scale the organization to to scale the platform itself to make sure it couldn't stand all this growth."

" Now let's talk about FaceBook real quick I've noticed at FaceBook has changed the way you -- the way the way you post what you're doing to almost mirror. The -- and for people I don't know we have a 140 characters to say what you get -- say -- by the looks very very eerily similar to what are the top U."

" Well they say that it's the purest form of flattery I think there's they're seeing what's going on obviously. And I think they want to add functionality to their site they want to go where the you know where the action is so -- there's probably a little bit back on."

" Testing of functionality what's on the horizon for Twitter and I know you can put. A -- pick up you can upload a picture that your guy could take a picture here upload affect them going to do that later in the show. What else what are the other applications that that entire and its Woodard make it more robust."

" Well there's a lot applications coming every day they're. -- is building something of an ecosystem where. It's open application developers are free to develop maps on top of the platform. The Twitter. Home page itself is about to change. You know they've. They said publicly how search is going to be a bigger elements of it real time search does not too many places where you can get instantaneous access to information. Like you can't on Twitter so. You're going to see more search capability on the home page and in overall throughout the site."

" I ever got Todd Davis -- take your pictures are right here I'm going to learn. -- pick it up and posted to my Twitter account forward slash Eric -- knows bassist Todd Davis thank you very much that they should joining us. --"