Monday, June 2, 2008

Covanta Turns Garbage Into Gold 6/2


It is Sunday as I write this, contemplating everything from my deck with a 24-ounce coffee and my dog bugging me to throw him a ball. He really is cool, playful and not too pushy. He seems to know when to play and when to chill-out and watch for people, surfers, dogs or garbage men. That's right, he goes ballistic when a garbage truck pulls up and hauls off the trash.
About two years ago I pitched an idea for a "Dirty Trade" segment on "Fast Money." I was watching a company perform pretty well and found its business wildly fascinating. The story had Bolling written all over it. It had an energy tie-in. It had dirt. It had a commodity-like feel, and best of all, it was making money!
On a Friday afternoon in July, with the temperature running above 90 degrees for the last eight or nine days, I showed up at Covanta Industries(CVA - Cramer's Take - Stockpickr) in the heart of industrial Newark, N.J. The boss met us and gave us a tour of the facility. I was given a peek at the massive combustion chamber, which is basically an incinerator that burns trash at around 2000 degrees.
So I was now very interested in this company and needed to see the whole process, from start to finish. We went down a few floors to the trash holding area. It felt like a huge, stinky, smelly, slobbering pig was slapped onto my face......
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