Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Street Meat: Russian Out

" Eric please just right here next to me I think me I can't tell you. -- topic Rebecca hot sizzling segment on TV right here right now we're going to talk about those wind turbines in a minute. By the way guys if you visit here go to fox business dot com you can check this out street meets up every single night in the first of first street. Russian outfit rushing out. But it just won't -- Russia right now Russia's on the birth of the depression they're clearly in a recession on the verge of the precious white industrial production. Down big time numbered about yesterday also. Oil prices down any question about Russia being tied to oil price will get to in this decade the ruble. Very very important Russian ruble down 37%. In the last five months that currencies that currency knees strong currency especially oil prices going down. -- low currency. Low oil prices turned. Big big trouble they need to rebounded oil not all they need -- well here's the simple -- VIP it's -- years the stock wanted to play Russia played simple com it's a Telecom company in Russia but guess what guys check this out Telecom and Russian down big time next arena put up for a reason next week. Here's your oil chart. Sane -- what is. But Telecom and do with oil in Russia everything is based on oil where's the play. When oil turns around you can start picking and choosing your Russian stocks and make a lot of money number one VIP when oil goes VIP is short of follow. What do played on T -- level bigger picture macro picture. EE and emerging markets need to get we'll give you a lot of Russia -- less rate -- here we go gold guess what. 980 predict and I need to have a -- easy to -- today involved were watching that 1000. 35 dollar all time high in -- keep your -- and all these stocks were worried she'll be there as well -- these -- upon these. I hear about this guy yesterday old news forget about let's move on -- all break -- got. Rebecca just talking about wind turbines GE's only profitable division I shouldn't say only. The most profitable. Profitable division is debt we -- interpreted generation. The power generation that's the only thing here's my suggestion he listened. I'm tired beaten up by you guys call me to cut crafts up enough money. -- Break up in the financial services breaking up into NBC and break it up into your properly maybe he'll be able to sell some of the parts are people out there who might want -- that street."

Monday, February 9, 2009

Golden Years

" Article that might ever wrote in -- had to do with gold and what we that we and we shot the beginning of the show. It at eighty -- gold that same weekend for the -- trading week got that -- was writing this article on December 1997. Bringing back all that in 1997. Gold is now up 559. Dollar from that point more than a 150%. If you bought the S&P 500. That same time -- actually invested in stock that they may be an index S&P 500."

" They went okay 1000870. Right as we speak -- break -- so -- ten to 1500% of."

" Yeah -- yeah just. But commodities in general it will run in the same -- a lot of the gold. Rally a lot of the oil rally has been in of this flow of money in and out of my estimate of victimized and the bigger portion of the ninety's -- On their ear I mean if you invested throughout the ninety's he got out during the -- she's probably lost money if you invested during the ninety's and -- held. You're doing fantastically so. Oil had its moment gold has had a couple of moments I'm always always always long gold -- the -- system."

" Portion my powerful little let me play on out of Minnesota they're great that greatly -- because he's that a -- portfolios you know long ball because this goes to a question from Robert this is. You know after the fall in 1929 many people with money Bob -- are invested in gold mining. What is the best play after this fall do you think it's pure oil right."

" It calls a great question as Robert great question what happens is typically when gold is good when the price of gold is going higher. The mining stocks lagged that the commodity price for some reason -- a lot of things going on a mining does electricity costs there's geopolitics we will give you your basement pulling. Goal eleven months in foreign countries that may have geopolitical problems. When this when the when the commodity price goes which ultimately drives the equity price you'd be better off in NE TF she'll be what they're -- tips -- their majorities the biggest and and -- it's it's definitely the one I would I would recommend getting into. That's going to perform better than the mining stocks."

" Art let's should go butler told -- oil barons and -- only if fox business on the first ever fox this is Docomo Keyaron Fox as a dot com. And we're getting a lot of comments -- getting action on our comments which is ready to -- your screen you can click on comments and some comments coming in specifically for Eric and Mike feel free to jump in his battle oil. For Eric Peter wants to know what's going to take for all the break out of the forty to fifty dollar trading range where are we right now oil at 41 herself."

" 41 so it's it's been as high as 42 to -- 4050 -- really in the Vietnam and that's moving down we've we've touched the for the 42 dollar print earlier today what's happening is right now that for some reason the view oil market is is. Let's put this way it was a crowded -- a lot of people investing in oil because -- run up -- 147 dollars -- it over truck shot on the way up. In my opinion it's overshooting on the way down we should never seen a 33 dollar barrel of oil was seeing a forty. -- changed all of barrel I think if the economy does start showing signs of a heart -- yeah you're gonna sit fifty dollars fairly easily in my prediction sometime built by the -- you can see eighty."

" Maybe an 85 dollar a barrel near 85 there India right. I think -- curling hotter and I think you make the argument that given the that the data -- of how week it is and how much how much oil sloshing around. You know -- forties actually shows and -- okay. And in fact I think a lot of commodities better records showing this sort of --"

" I think it -- you -- you may not in the hate me for this but here's a charter natural gas where you see this chart this will be -- test here. Adjustment that I demographic this is about this is about six months chart okay so it's gone from. You know and you should decide here is up almost fourteen dollars for him and be TO in trading for right now cesium massive slide. In natural gas medicine as well just quirky. Because natural gas produced here in the US and used here in the US is no problem he can't. I mean technically you can bring some would provide natural gas and but in essence it's really a US commodity we've had some massively. Next week cold weather this January this past January I think eventually that's been true work its way through the system UC high natural gas prices were."