Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Street Meat: Russian Out

" Eric please just right here next to me I think me I can't tell you. -- topic Rebecca hot sizzling segment on TV right here right now we're going to talk about those wind turbines in a minute. By the way guys if you visit here go to fox business dot com you can check this out street meets up every single night in the first of first street. Russian outfit rushing out. But it just won't -- Russia right now Russia's on the birth of the depression they're clearly in a recession on the verge of the precious white industrial production. Down big time numbered about yesterday also. Oil prices down any question about Russia being tied to oil price will get to in this decade the ruble. Very very important Russian ruble down 37%. In the last five months that currencies that currency knees strong currency especially oil prices going down. -- low currency. Low oil prices turned. Big big trouble they need to rebounded oil not all they need -- well here's the simple -- VIP it's -- years the stock wanted to play Russia played simple com it's a Telecom company in Russia but guess what guys check this out Telecom and Russian down big time next arena put up for a reason next week. Here's your oil chart. Sane -- what is. But Telecom and do with oil in Russia everything is based on oil where's the play. When oil turns around you can start picking and choosing your Russian stocks and make a lot of money number one VIP when oil goes VIP is short of follow. What do played on T -- level bigger picture macro picture. EE and emerging markets need to get we'll give you a lot of Russia -- less rate -- here we go gold guess what. 980 predict and I need to have a -- easy to -- today involved were watching that 1000. 35 dollar all time high in -- keep your -- and all these stocks were worried she'll be there as well -- these -- upon these. I hear about this guy yesterday old news forget about let's move on -- all break -- got. Rebecca just talking about wind turbines GE's only profitable division I shouldn't say only. The most profitable. Profitable division is debt we -- interpreted generation. The power generation that's the only thing here's my suggestion he listened. I'm tired beaten up by you guys call me to cut crafts up enough money. -- Break up in the financial services breaking up into NBC and break it up into your properly maybe he'll be able to sell some of the parts are people out there who might want -- that street."