Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Street Meat: G-20 Important?

" I can't we just treat hot sizzling -- beef chop and you don't G twenty white -- one important industry. Nineteen countries -- the European. Union representing 90% of the world's GDP 66% of the world's population. All lot represented their -- their past eight coordinated. Response. Here is there any issue over how much money versus how much regulation and here's their problem of back push it's a populist. Backlash against spending any more money you -- body here sometimes and -- a blocked number till Denny's what's important -- things as we. Today they rallied very strong financials like to take on the heels of G twenty that may be over inflated. Take out one out. Mark to market April 2 that means we're going to hear from the get nasty weather outlook is they would mark to market which tells you basically exactly what these assets are worth. Not be opening number of mark to model mark to -- believe that stuff I suggest they stay with exactly what they have. Bank of America disappoint they still don't get all the doing his -- raise salaries dropping bonus. They still say they're guys too much money -- that chart fallen look at -- three month chart of peace and has and great stock I've only in the past I'd won a little bit more today you guys check it out nice little -- rounding the bottom of for a ten dollar price tag on pension. Last but not least you can't make this stuff out. White House wheels what are they driving. Politico dot before whatever city you guys sure they say yeah we're sure check this -- two point three vehicles in the White House parking lot. Eighteen were born only five. Or domestic these the guys who make decision on what auto industry should look like. Energies are standing -- doesn't drive next interest in right next last at least I swear to you this is true. Tim Geithner what does -- drive. Like who drives an Acura unbelievable right Larry Summers -- Peter Orszag of Volvo had a Honda. -- you have -- here's what I need to know Steven Ratner the energy cars are I need someone to Twitter be with a picture of what he's driving Twitter. Eric Bolling a space between aren't."