Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Buy Brazil Through This ETF 5/21/08

Buy Brazil Through This ETF

Viva Brazilia!
I was listening to a great interview with Warren Buffett Tuesday morning where he was speaking to a group of media people from Switzerland. I love listening to this man. He is the greatest investor of our time. I would say of all time when you consider the fact that his accomplishments were made without the benefit of the industrial revolution -- an era when so much of the world's wealth was created.
I find his simplistic approach to everything very enlightening. He says that in order to be considered as a potential candidate for a spot in the Berkshire Hathaway(BRK.A - Cramer's Take - Stockpickr) family of businesses, a few things must be evident. The company has to be big enough to "move the Berkshire Hathaway needle." It must be run by management that Warren trusts will manage it the same way "the day after a deal as they would the day before a deal." And also it must be simple enough for Warren to understand.
I found this important on several levels. First, it tells me that when Warren Buffett steps down, I am out of Berkshire Hathaway until whomever takes over proves he or she has inherited the Buffett gift for recognizing the right deal. That's because I am sure you cannot teach that gut feeling.
Next, I realize that investing can be simple, not easy, but simple. We don't necessarily have to dig three or four levels into the books to make money. There are those that do quite well micro-dissecting the balance sheet and they are rewarded for their work. Then there are the rest of us .......
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