Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Ag Stocks Mirror Oils

from 6/11/08

What a lifetime as a trader does to one's mind!
Tomatoes are tainted, what does that mean? There must be a trade there somewhere. What do people replace the tomato with? Onions perhaps? Is there a way to trade from the long onion position? Or maybe I should be buying Heinz(HNZ - Cramer's Take - Stockpickr). Ketchup is made from tomatoes, but I just can't see me ordering a turkey on rye with lettuce and ketchup. If you spend enough time trading, you realize that regular events in daily life somehow translate into trades.
Two and a half years ago I was in the mall with my son Eric Chase. It was February so the big holiday sales push had faded into memory. Eric grabbed me and dragged me into GameStop(GME - Cramer's Take - Stockpickr). He had to try out the newest games and see if there was a used game trade for himself.
What I saw was a trade. There were three lines filled with people buying games -- both new and used. I couldn't wait to get into GameStop stock. I went to the air with the call. The others looked at me like I was crazy. I told the story about how my 7-year old turned me onto a great looking retail operation. So, as soon as my restrictions were lifted, I bought GME.
To make a long story less long, two weeks later, GME guided positively for the upcoming first quarter and full-year. That stock went to $25 from $18 in a shot -- 38% in a couple of stress free weeks.....
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