Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Tax Plan To Jumpstart The Economy ?

Global Markets Reaction To Wall St

New Music Format Debuts

Monday, October 20, 2008

The Killer 'C's'

From 10/20/08

I was doing my regular Saturday morning television show "Bulls & Bears" on Fox. The topic was taxes and I was trying to explain why I disliked presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama's "spread the wealth around" comment to Joe the Plumber. A friend and professor at Temple University, Marc Lamont Hill, joined us to defend the democrat's side of the issue. The discussion came back around to me and an analogy popped into my mind. I said, "Marc, let me see if I can put this in terms you can relate to. Being a professor, how would your students feel if you decided to implement the following -- all the hard working, late-night studying, social-life sacrificing 'A' students had to give the bottom dwelling 'D' students some of their high scores? The 'D's' would come up to 'C's' and the 'A's' would come down to 'C's.' You would be removing the incentive to work hard, succeed and get rewarded." ....
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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Central Banks Should Go Long

From 10/13/08
I have spent 12 hours a day and most weekends engulfed in thought and opinion surrounding this current financial crisis. I have listened to and interviewed economists, congressmen and congresswomen, senators, administrators, regulators and CEOs. There is only one conclusion I can come to. It is clear that nothing is clear ... to anyone . There has been enough finger-pointing to fill a century of political opinion. Banks blame lenders, lenders blame regulators, regulators blame politicians, and politicians, being the carnivores they are, blame each other.
It has gotten to the point where, if I am interviewing someone and he or she starts the interview with a line about how we got here, I stop them mid-thought and ask, "We all have our own ideas about how we got here, now... can you offer any help going forward?"....
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Monday, October 6, 2008

Nowhere to Run

From 10/6/08

"Is everything going to be OK, Dad?"My son asks me this question on the ride back from the beach Sunday afternoon. While listening to Bloomberg radio for the entire two-hour drive yesterday, I had no idea he was paying attention to the commentator and expert guests. He is 10 years old, for heaven's sake. Why should he have to worry about our economic future?
Well, it wasn't easy trying to explain how we got where we are. And it wasn't easy trying to convince him that things will be OKafter hearing that European regulators are doing whatever they can to help avert a financial meltdown there. But I tried.
I explained that things will get uglier before they get better. But the sun does eventually shine after prolonged rain storms. And it will shine here as well. "America will be ok, buddy."
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