Monday, October 6, 2008

Nowhere to Run

From 10/6/08

"Is everything going to be OK, Dad?"My son asks me this question on the ride back from the beach Sunday afternoon. While listening to Bloomberg radio for the entire two-hour drive yesterday, I had no idea he was paying attention to the commentator and expert guests. He is 10 years old, for heaven's sake. Why should he have to worry about our economic future?
Well, it wasn't easy trying to explain how we got where we are. And it wasn't easy trying to convince him that things will be OKafter hearing that European regulators are doing whatever they can to help avert a financial meltdown there. But I tried.
I explained that things will get uglier before they get better. But the sun does eventually shine after prolonged rain storms. And it will shine here as well. "America will be ok, buddy."
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