Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Central Banks Should Go Long

From thestreet.com 10/13/08
I have spent 12 hours a day and most weekends engulfed in thought and opinion surrounding this current financial crisis. I have listened to and interviewed economists, congressmen and congresswomen, senators, administrators, regulators and CEOs. There is only one conclusion I can come to. It is clear that nothing is clear ... to anyone . There has been enough finger-pointing to fill a century of political opinion. Banks blame lenders, lenders blame regulators, regulators blame politicians, and politicians, being the carnivores they are, blame each other.
It has gotten to the point where, if I am interviewing someone and he or she starts the interview with a line about how we got here, I stop them mid-thought and ask, "We all have our own ideas about how we got here, now... can you offer any help going forward?"....
Rest of Article