Monday, November 10, 2008

Obamanomically Correct

From 11/10/08

am very thankful for this column. It has provided me a platform to sound off on a wide range of topics: the dollar, OPEC, drilling, interest rates, real estate, the bailout package, gold, volatility, stocks, bonds, and of course, politics. Now that the election is over, I can focus in on the economy and the markets again. I will be forever changed in that I have found a new passion for the political process. I have been given a great opportunity to host a daily show on called "The Strategy Room" and we throw around topics that affect everyone.
I mention "The Strategy Room" because it is intended to be a political forum. During my months as host, I have realized that the economy is front and center on the minds of just about all of the emailers to the show. They are worried about their investments, their homes and their jobs. ......
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