Monday, November 24, 2008

The Stages of Grief

From 11/24/08

I spend a good amount of the trading day talking to people from all walks of trading life. On Thursday I had a profound conversation with a guy I had never spoken to before. The conference call was the result of a heated conversation I was having with a money manager regarding Citigroup(C Quote - Cramer on C - Stock Picks). I was fuming about how the shorts were crushing the stock. It felt like it was Lehman, American International Group(AIG Quote - Cramer on AIG - Stock Picks), Fannie Mae(FNM Quote - Cramer on FNM - Stock Picks), and Freddie Mac (FRE Quote - Cramer on FRE - Stock Picks) all over again. It felt like the market was going to zero. I was really worked up. My friend interrupted me and suggested I hold on while he put another trader on the conference call. "Paul" (not his real name) also was worked up about how the markets were acting so irrationally. During our conversation, he uttered a thought in passing, "This feels almost like someone is dying." ....
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