Sunday, December 7, 2008

A Letter to Detroit


Dear Messrs. Mulally, Nardelli, Wagoner and Gettelfinger:
The popular reality program "The Biggest Loser" pits obese people against each other in a competition to see who can lose the most weight. Sound familiar? You, Detroit's Big Three automakers, are obese companies that need to drop the excesses weighing you down. You can't compete with foreign auto companies doing business in the U.S. and abroad. Each of you has an issue that should infuriate every taxpayer. On top of that, the United Auto Workers, the union representing your employees, has only exacerbated your problems.
Ford(F Quote - Cramer on F - Stock Picks)
Mr. Mulally, as Ford's CEO you are asking for a $9 billion line of credit ... "just in case." You have testified under oath that you really don't need that money but want it just in case one of the other automakers goes belly up. That would help your business sell more cars, right? With all due respect, good-bye. No money for you! ..........
Rest of Article....