Monday, January 5, 2009

Commodity Opportunities Abound

From 1/05/09

One of the things that keeps me sane in the really hectic, crazy world I have carved out for myself is frequent treks to the beach. Once there a daily run is absolute happiness for me. Ending a tough 2008 (there seems to be no better way to describe the year than just plain "tough") and launching into a hopeful 2009 I was able to get out for seven runs in six days. Believe me, I am grateful for the ability to do this all thanks to a wonderful career trading. If you don't know my past, you may be thinking that I am being pretentious by talking about my time on the beach. But it wasn't always this way for me. went from a runner in the soybean pit during Chicago summers to the energy pits of New York. Early on, I recall thinking how cool it would be to be a trader. Those dreams were squashed when I realized that it would be a near impossibility given the fact that it required a $50,000 balance to trade. With no money in the bank (or family), and my $150 salary a week, it would be like climbing Mount Everest to ever get that trading badge.
Back to the run. On one outing, my 10-year old son decided to run with me. On the way, we passed a cemetery and this started an interesting conversation between us. "Dad, why do people die?" he asked, along with many other inquisitive questions. He then asked me why God doesn't just drop money down from heaven so that everyone could buy anything they wanted? "And what about starving children?" It was getting heavy, but I did my best to explain. ....
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