Thursday, October 8, 2009

Gold's Record Setting Run

Friday, April 3, 2009

Twitter Taking Over The G-20?

G twining their sweetie. At halftime of NBA games NBA's -- don't and that -- even weeding in the presidential in the chamber. During the presidential address on talking about Twitter with us today we -- Todd Davis he's one of the top shareholders. -- Twitter these new phenomenal the hottest social networking site around Todd give us give -- say -- a sense of how. -- growing from your perspective."

" Both growing very fast I can't give you exact numbers but. Let's just say it is it's taking off. Very quickly put has been around for about three years but in the last year. Even the last a few months it's really taken --"

" I -- it's not I've been talking about what are quite a bit I actually use Twitter just some of the shows they keep my my screen opened its open right now. I find it a very very valuable -- knowledge from social networking I want to tell people what I'm doing but I put out things like I have Todd -- Chris -- just that we did that right now. To the Twitter community. Is this -- this -- not it's so -- a flash in the pan or is this something to revolutionize the way we we kind of interact with each other."

" Well I hope it's the latter. I don't think it's a flash in the pan and I I think that it's it's a new communications standard for people it's a new way to social network it's very efficient. You know people that don't have a lot of time to coordinate their hearts out and blogs. Can send out a short message and reach thousands hundreds. Potentially millions of people without message."

" odd couple -- put aside a second go that you're on they want to know happy hour live to -- tweaking it's so in other words I put it out there are now. The people who already have put out there to their. To their followers it really -- viral that -- here's my question -- a good friend of -- once that Twitter headquarters here in New York. He went any thought that the only forty. Employees running this whole ship is bad enough and what are you going to do to make sure. That -- grows and is able to grow."

" Now it's not enough we're -- we're going to be increasing the number of people in the company would just raise a bunch of money that money is for hiring people to. The scale the organization to to scale the platform itself to make sure it couldn't stand all this growth."

" Now let's talk about FaceBook real quick I've noticed at FaceBook has changed the way you -- the way the way you post what you're doing to almost mirror. The -- and for people I don't know we have a 140 characters to say what you get -- say -- by the looks very very eerily similar to what are the top U."

" Well they say that it's the purest form of flattery I think there's they're seeing what's going on obviously. And I think they want to add functionality to their site they want to go where the you know where the action is so -- there's probably a little bit back on."

" Testing of functionality what's on the horizon for Twitter and I know you can put. A -- pick up you can upload a picture that your guy could take a picture here upload affect them going to do that later in the show. What else what are the other applications that that entire and its Woodard make it more robust."

" Well there's a lot applications coming every day they're. -- is building something of an ecosystem where. It's open application developers are free to develop maps on top of the platform. The Twitter. Home page itself is about to change. You know they've. They said publicly how search is going to be a bigger elements of it real time search does not too many places where you can get instantaneous access to information. Like you can't on Twitter so. You're going to see more search capability on the home page and in overall throughout the site."

" I ever got Todd Davis -- take your pictures are right here I'm going to learn. -- pick it up and posted to my Twitter account forward slash Eric -- knows bassist Todd Davis thank you very much that they should joining us. --"

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Street Meat: G-20 Important?

" I can't we just treat hot sizzling -- beef chop and you don't G twenty white -- one important industry. Nineteen countries -- the European. Union representing 90% of the world's GDP 66% of the world's population. All lot represented their -- their past eight coordinated. Response. Here is there any issue over how much money versus how much regulation and here's their problem of back push it's a populist. Backlash against spending any more money you -- body here sometimes and -- a blocked number till Denny's what's important -- things as we. Today they rallied very strong financials like to take on the heels of G twenty that may be over inflated. Take out one out. Mark to market April 2 that means we're going to hear from the get nasty weather outlook is they would mark to market which tells you basically exactly what these assets are worth. Not be opening number of mark to model mark to -- believe that stuff I suggest they stay with exactly what they have. Bank of America disappoint they still don't get all the doing his -- raise salaries dropping bonus. They still say they're guys too much money -- that chart fallen look at -- three month chart of peace and has and great stock I've only in the past I'd won a little bit more today you guys check it out nice little -- rounding the bottom of for a ten dollar price tag on pension. Last but not least you can't make this stuff out. White House wheels what are they driving. Politico dot before whatever city you guys sure they say yeah we're sure check this -- two point three vehicles in the White House parking lot. Eighteen were born only five. Or domestic these the guys who make decision on what auto industry should look like. Energies are standing -- doesn't drive next interest in right next last at least I swear to you this is true. Tim Geithner what does -- drive. Like who drives an Acura unbelievable right Larry Summers -- Peter Orszag of Volvo had a Honda. -- you have -- here's what I need to know Steven Ratner the energy cars are I need someone to Twitter be with a picture of what he's driving Twitter. Eric Bolling a space between aren't."

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Bear Sterns: One Year Later

" That's collapsing a year ago setting off. The financial firestorm that eventually brought present Obama into office our next guest. Donated generously to democratic candidates including the president last year. Let's find out if he's happy with mr. Obama's performance buffs are joining us now and these -- good -- he runs the hybrids capital which provides seed money to hedge funds. You -- are critical for Goldman Sachs and Lehman Brothers. So what about it."

" But some of them do and he looked me up on Gould reports showed up afraid solely on the oldest upload your life full disclosure I with the law school with the president. -- a couple of years behind me in law school I knew back -- I like him I think he's a terrific guide. I don't share his politics a 100% -- more right of center person economically. I think Cody and -- at a bar alone together we get a an agreement on most economic issues but the president is a good man he's doing things. In the best possible way he can which is measured. And aggressive for the problem you have to remember. That we learned something from the Great Depression all of us did none of us were around when it happened. But this is -- once and an eighty year calamity what we're experiencing right now what do we learn from the depression Ben Bernanke said at last Sunday on sixty minutes. We have to be aggressive. We have to be pro active and we have to protect. Banks. And the consumer who has deposits in these banks who get. And so -- the shareholders at all that's the premise that I have the biggest problem -- lost for shareholders protect the depositors okay Cody they're trying to attract private capital back into the banking industry. The biggest private capital command if they would wash out the sheriff I I I understand that but they already went down another path that they you have to remember the Bush Administration. Enacted to tap the talk programmer at least point to the congress with a TARP program you're a situation now where you've started down a road okay. And we can't wipe out the last six or seven months ago I remember back to September the fifteenth where people go back in history and say. That was a demarcation day of this crisis that was the twenty ninth of October 1929. We saw the death of Lehman Brothers we saw widespread panic in the markets. We saw a global panic it I was in Sydney Australia the day Lehman Brothers. -- movie there was panic is Sydney Australia as a true that was around the world. Put yourself in the seat the secretary of treasury. The Federal Reserve banking chairman and the president of the United States you're watching the markets melt down the -- you learn something from history. Bernanke road eight. -- thesis. On of the pressure. Now you're probably argue they should've let the free markets go and let these guys go watch out the shareholders and from the and frees up the system. But the minute they let Lehman Brothers fail. Everybody went to the sidelines and you said something variously early sixties we don't know what the rules are anymore. Yeah that's something I agree with the -- the government has a yacht a job as a blue and white Jersey with a whistle. Let me stop you fillets before you go there you said what we started down this road -- back in October. Why don't we have to continue down a path of spending when we may not need to that that make any sense okay Eric that's not my point. My point is. We made a decision rightly or wrongly to give out the -- money but -- we made a decision to try to keep these guys in business again and on saying about that. They said if we stay the course. You're going to see more lending and you can see in traction a private equity backing these markets OK that's the quickest road to recovery from here. If you want to go in reverse right now and bankrupt Goldman Sachs bankrupt Morgan Stanley as I do -- how much we know what's. But that's another nice -- insolvent without more welfare but that's the issue that's oversight we can keep up my right that's that's anger we need rational discourse right now please don't be offended by this Buffett said a couple of weeks ago this is an economic Pearl Harbor. It may not be an economic Pearl -- it actually may be a civil war. And could be an economic -- can work."

" So AIG yeah. It's related to receive another thirty. Billion dollars I mean with given everything that's happened with AIG should they get them back they're they're trying to clear these contracts out should they get that money should get the money as you are -- people out there to give eight -- flying another thirty billion how much money hardly -- actionable. Going to get directly about the -- as -- as far I asked some hot when I come up to me they asked. What do you guys doing."

" Okay but you have that you're going to run the danger that we ran in the Great Depression of an uprising of populism the -- The great congressman or senator you -- long you have forty wanted to do. We wanted to give everybody twice 500 bucks and he wanted to get my house sounds like Obama okay sounds like Bernanke of okay I don't think that's their game plan. Okay I think I think the -- Obama is a progressive. Bernanke is an economic historian of its hard not to like the guy okay. Now they they gave a little bit of a puff piece on sixty minutes please -- home -- middle class guy. With middle class values flying to help the country."

" Anthony Wright have you back to talk more about this because quite the viewers out there I -- I probably all of us as well I want to say -- the viewers I'm I'm I'm calling for rational discourse in this debate."

" I'm calling for a progressive isn't okay and I'm calling for his soothing of the anger. Okay so that we can get to the root of the problem and I'll leave you want -- thirty billion."

" Every -- funny you have we."

" We were talking about contract -- outlived the thirty -- can get my satellite contract professor we were talking about contract law one of these data. Heinemann okay think that's really what it -- a day -- and thank you guys are having sky bridge cap."

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Street Meat: Russian Out

" Eric please just right here next to me I think me I can't tell you. -- topic Rebecca hot sizzling segment on TV right here right now we're going to talk about those wind turbines in a minute. By the way guys if you visit here go to fox business dot com you can check this out street meets up every single night in the first of first street. Russian outfit rushing out. But it just won't -- Russia right now Russia's on the birth of the depression they're clearly in a recession on the verge of the precious white industrial production. Down big time numbered about yesterday also. Oil prices down any question about Russia being tied to oil price will get to in this decade the ruble. Very very important Russian ruble down 37%. In the last five months that currencies that currency knees strong currency especially oil prices going down. -- low currency. Low oil prices turned. Big big trouble they need to rebounded oil not all they need -- well here's the simple -- VIP it's -- years the stock wanted to play Russia played simple com it's a Telecom company in Russia but guess what guys check this out Telecom and Russian down big time next arena put up for a reason next week. Here's your oil chart. Sane -- what is. But Telecom and do with oil in Russia everything is based on oil where's the play. When oil turns around you can start picking and choosing your Russian stocks and make a lot of money number one VIP when oil goes VIP is short of follow. What do played on T -- level bigger picture macro picture. EE and emerging markets need to get we'll give you a lot of Russia -- less rate -- here we go gold guess what. 980 predict and I need to have a -- easy to -- today involved were watching that 1000. 35 dollar all time high in -- keep your -- and all these stocks were worried she'll be there as well -- these -- upon these. I hear about this guy yesterday old news forget about let's move on -- all break -- got. Rebecca just talking about wind turbines GE's only profitable division I shouldn't say only. The most profitable. Profitable division is debt we -- interpreted generation. The power generation that's the only thing here's my suggestion he listened. I'm tired beaten up by you guys call me to cut crafts up enough money. -- Break up in the financial services breaking up into NBC and break it up into your properly maybe he'll be able to sell some of the parts are people out there who might want -- that street."

Monday, February 9, 2009

Golden Years

" Article that might ever wrote in -- had to do with gold and what we that we and we shot the beginning of the show. It at eighty -- gold that same weekend for the -- trading week got that -- was writing this article on December 1997. Bringing back all that in 1997. Gold is now up 559. Dollar from that point more than a 150%. If you bought the S&P 500. That same time -- actually invested in stock that they may be an index S&P 500."

" They went okay 1000870. Right as we speak -- break -- so -- ten to 1500% of."

" Yeah -- yeah just. But commodities in general it will run in the same -- a lot of the gold. Rally a lot of the oil rally has been in of this flow of money in and out of my estimate of victimized and the bigger portion of the ninety's -- On their ear I mean if you invested throughout the ninety's he got out during the -- she's probably lost money if you invested during the ninety's and -- held. You're doing fantastically so. Oil had its moment gold has had a couple of moments I'm always always always long gold -- the -- system."

" Portion my powerful little let me play on out of Minnesota they're great that greatly -- because he's that a -- portfolios you know long ball because this goes to a question from Robert this is. You know after the fall in 1929 many people with money Bob -- are invested in gold mining. What is the best play after this fall do you think it's pure oil right."

" It calls a great question as Robert great question what happens is typically when gold is good when the price of gold is going higher. The mining stocks lagged that the commodity price for some reason -- a lot of things going on a mining does electricity costs there's geopolitics we will give you your basement pulling. Goal eleven months in foreign countries that may have geopolitical problems. When this when the when the commodity price goes which ultimately drives the equity price you'd be better off in NE TF she'll be what they're -- tips -- their majorities the biggest and and -- it's it's definitely the one I would I would recommend getting into. That's going to perform better than the mining stocks."

" Art let's should go butler told -- oil barons and -- only if fox business on the first ever fox this is Docomo Keyaron Fox as a dot com. And we're getting a lot of comments -- getting action on our comments which is ready to -- your screen you can click on comments and some comments coming in specifically for Eric and Mike feel free to jump in his battle oil. For Eric Peter wants to know what's going to take for all the break out of the forty to fifty dollar trading range where are we right now oil at 41 herself."

" 41 so it's it's been as high as 42 to -- 4050 -- really in the Vietnam and that's moving down we've we've touched the for the 42 dollar print earlier today what's happening is right now that for some reason the view oil market is is. Let's put this way it was a crowded -- a lot of people investing in oil because -- run up -- 147 dollars -- it over truck shot on the way up. In my opinion it's overshooting on the way down we should never seen a 33 dollar barrel of oil was seeing a forty. -- changed all of barrel I think if the economy does start showing signs of a heart -- yeah you're gonna sit fifty dollars fairly easily in my prediction sometime built by the -- you can see eighty."

" Maybe an 85 dollar a barrel near 85 there India right. I think -- curling hotter and I think you make the argument that given the that the data -- of how week it is and how much how much oil sloshing around. You know -- forties actually shows and -- okay. And in fact I think a lot of commodities better records showing this sort of --"

" I think it -- you -- you may not in the hate me for this but here's a charter natural gas where you see this chart this will be -- test here. Adjustment that I demographic this is about this is about six months chart okay so it's gone from. You know and you should decide here is up almost fourteen dollars for him and be TO in trading for right now cesium massive slide. In natural gas medicine as well just quirky. Because natural gas produced here in the US and used here in the US is no problem he can't. I mean technically you can bring some would provide natural gas and but in essence it's really a US commodity we've had some massively. Next week cold weather this January this past January I think eventually that's been true work its way through the system UC high natural gas prices were."

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Eric Bolling Reveals His Infrastructure Stock Picks

Eric Bolling loves the infrastructure sector, and thinks this is a good time to jump into the sector as long as the stock picks are selected carefully.

The co-anchor of FOX Business’s Happy Hour show, who has been an active trader of equities, commodities and more for years, recently shared his thoughts on how to invest in infrastructure, declaring that a downturn in the sector over the last seven months “is an opportunity to buy into the infrastructure play at a low price.”

His enthusiasm doesn’t come from the stimulus package now going through the U.S. Congress -- “it doesn’t hurt, but I don’t hang my hat on” a $1 trillion plan -- but rather the global growth story coming out of places such as China, India and Latin America.

Bolling recommends companies with a global presence, and suggests avoiding companies with big debts, credit arms or those that “aren’t reacting well” in the market. He says the best way to get into the sector is to build a position slowly.

Bolling’s infrastructure stock picks are:

Companhia Vale do Rio Doce ADRs (RIO: 14.52, -0.364, -2.45%)

“This is probably my all-time favorite stock” Bolling said of the Brazilian metals and mining company, noting that it’s “the most global” of the miners.

FMC Corp. (FMC: 45.43, -1.39, -2.97%)

FMC is a leading producer of lithium. Bolling likes it because the lithium goes into batteries for all sorts of devices and other things that power the world.

Chevron (CVX: 68.22, -1.62, -2.32%)

Chevron is “by far my favorite energy play,” Bolling said, noting that the company has a high share of the West Coast energy market, which has high margins.

Google (GOOG: 357.92, -9.95, -2.7%)

“This is the Mac Daddy” in the Internet space, Bolling said. “It’s the leader, the innovator -- the one to own.”

Fluor (FLR: 37.06, -1.7, -4.39%)

Fluor, which serves companies globally in a number of industries, is “a great global engineer,” Bolling said.

Jacobs Engineering (JEC: 40.83, -1.93, -4.51%)

Bolling thinks this company is another good bet among engineering firms.

US Steel (X: 23.5975, -1.5725, -6.25%)

This is “my sleeper,” Bolling said. He mentioned that it traded at nearly $200 over the summer, and “at $33 a share I think it’s a bargain.”

Bolling’s infrastructure stock pans are:

General Electric (GE: 10.675, -0.475, -4.26%)

GE may be an infrastructure play, but the fact that its credit unit is such a big part of the company means it should be avoided for now, Bolling said.

Caterpillar (CAT: 29.63, -1.64, -5.24%)

Caterpillar’s stock “is reacting poorly in an environment where you’d think it would be doing well” and is at five-year lows, Bolling noted. “If it’s not acting well, don’t own it.”

Monday, January 12, 2009

The Gold and Platinum Connection

From 1/12/08

I started trading commodities in 1987. I became a member of the New York Mercantile Exchange that year and focused most of my attention on crude oil. Since I spent the day in the crude oil pit, I tended to trade mostly crude and the energy-related commodities. During the trading day the audible volume varied but for the most part it was almost impossible to hear anything outside the pit.
On occasion, you would hear a swell of volume slowly build to a roar coming from another pit. Many times, it was the result of a refinery fire and the subsequent gasoline pit explosion (pun intended). Or if the daily weather report showed a dramatic surprise change in the 6-10, you might hear the distillate pit volume pick up.
Back then, the Commodity Exchange was an independent exchange trading primarily metals located in the northwest quadrant of the massive 4 World Trade Center trading facility. Nymex occupied the southwest, the Coffee, Sugar and Cocoa Exchange was in the southeast, and the Cotton Exchange was in the remaining northeast quad.
Those were the glory days of commodity trading in New York. Four exchanges trading hundreds of commodities from a shared trading facility. The trading was aggressive with so many traders on one floor, and those traders sharing one set of men's room facilities (99% of floor traders were men, a result of the very physical/violent pits). The cafeteria was dangerous. Fights broke out in the lunchroom, in hallways and I even saw one start in an elevator. The fight finished as the two dudes rolled out into the lobby. I swear this is all true. ....
Rest Of Article

Monday, January 5, 2009

Commodity Opportunities Abound

From 1/05/09

One of the things that keeps me sane in the really hectic, crazy world I have carved out for myself is frequent treks to the beach. Once there a daily run is absolute happiness for me. Ending a tough 2008 (there seems to be no better way to describe the year than just plain "tough") and launching into a hopeful 2009 I was able to get out for seven runs in six days. Believe me, I am grateful for the ability to do this all thanks to a wonderful career trading. If you don't know my past, you may be thinking that I am being pretentious by talking about my time on the beach. But it wasn't always this way for me. went from a runner in the soybean pit during Chicago summers to the energy pits of New York. Early on, I recall thinking how cool it would be to be a trader. Those dreams were squashed when I realized that it would be a near impossibility given the fact that it required a $50,000 balance to trade. With no money in the bank (or family), and my $150 salary a week, it would be like climbing Mount Everest to ever get that trading badge.
Back to the run. On one outing, my 10-year old son decided to run with me. On the way, we passed a cemetery and this started an interesting conversation between us. "Dad, why do people die?" he asked, along with many other inquisitive questions. He then asked me why God doesn't just drop money down from heaven so that everyone could buy anything they wanted? "And what about starving children?" It was getting heavy, but I did my best to explain. ....
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